Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/6339/the-anandtech-podcast-episode-6
The AnandTech Podcast: Episode 6
by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 27, 2012 8:57 AM EST
Sorry for the delay this week! With Brian in Seoul, me getting back from NYC and Ian in London it was difficult to all get together for our usual Friday recording sessions for the podcast. We managed to get this episode recorded on Monday, but I then had to run off to DC for another NDA event. We did finally manage to get things edited so today we have the delayed episode 6.
This week's podcast begins with our review impressions of the iPhone 5. We also go over the other major smartphone announcements from the past week: Motorola's Medfield powered RAZR i, HTC's Windows Phone 8X/8S and LG's Optimus G. Last week we talked about Haswell from a platform perspective and this week we talk about it more from a CPU performance perspective. Finally, Ian shared his thoughts on Borderlands 2 and playing the title with NVIDIA's Physx enabled.
Also, due to popular request, we have submitted our podcast for inclusion in the Zune Marketplace although we haven't seen approval yet. Show notes including time stamps are also on the to-do list but they didn't make it in this round.
The AnandTech Podcast - Episode 6
featuring Anand Shimpi, Brian Klug & Dr. Ian Cutress
RSS - mp3, m4a
Direct Links - mp3, m4a
Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. Let us know what you liked, hated and want to hear more of.