Noise and Thermal Testing, Dedicated GPUs

The Fractal Design Node 605 is capable of offering at least a passable performance with our bone stock mITX testbed, but it's really not leaving the end user much headroom to upgrade. Now we're going to add dedicated graphics cards to the mix: the sub-75W Zotac GeForce GTS 450 Eco, and the more robust ASUS GeForce GTX 560 Ti. Unfortunately, you'll see the Node 605's fortunes don't really improve.

CPU Temperatures (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)

GPU Temperatures (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)


SSD Temperatures (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)

Add in a video card and thermals go straight to hell. Even the high fan setting can't seem to salvage it, and our SSD is producing some of the hottest temperatures we've yet recorded. You can see the GTS 450 Eco typically runs pretty cool, but in the Node 605 it's hotter than we've ever seen it, and heat seems to be getting trapped between the card and the CPU.

CPU Fan Speed (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)

GPU Fan Speed (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)

Fan speeds are up there, too. Nothing in the Node 605 is actually overheating, but it's clear this case's cooling design needs to go back to the drawing board.

Noise Levels (with GeForce GTS 450 Eco)

The Node 605 is able to at least run quieter than a lot of the competition, but embarassingly the substantially smaller Node 304 continues to offer superior performance across the board.

The Fractal Design Node 605 was already having issues with a modest card like the Zotac GTS 450 Eco, so you can probably guess how things went with the GTX 560 Ti installed.

CPU Temperatures (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

GPU Temperatures (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

SSD Temperatures (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

Thermals shoot through the roof. Even with the fan set to high, the Node 605 is beaten in every test. Again, nothing is overheating (except possibly the SSD, which reported a high temperature of a blistering 51C), but it's clear the Node 605 isn't very efficient at moving heat.

CPU Fan Speed (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

GPU Fan Speed (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

Fan speed measurements just reiterate what we already know: the Node 605 has very limited thermal headroom, and it's having trouble competing with cases half its size.

Noise Levels (with GeForce GTX 560 Ti)

With this much of a thermal load placed on it, the Node 605 just can't stay quiet.

During testing I actually ran the system with the top panel open to make sure the fans were spinning, and they were, even on the lowest setting. The problem was that you could barely feel any air coming off of them, and this translated to a poor showing in testing.

Noise and Thermal Testing, IGP Conclusion: Every Family Has One
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  • Gigantopithecus - Tuesday, January 1, 2013 - link

    The 605 I have came with both its case fans mounted in the two anterior spaces. This was puzzling as it meant the air flowed from one side to the other at the front of the case, and not directly over the board and CPU. Moving the fan on the CPU side to the rear mount, thus putting it in a better spot to exhaust CPU-heated air, greatly mitigates the concerns noted in the review.
  • randinspace - Tuesday, January 1, 2013 - link

    I've given up hoping that AT's reviewers will bother experimenting with fan placement/optimization so that we won't have to... but it SURE WOULD be nice, wouldn't it?
  • kevith - Tuesday, January 1, 2013 - link

    I suggested that once, and recieved a sligtly angry answer, that everybody will have a different fan as their favourite, and so the comments would flow over with remarks like "Why that fan and not this, it´s much better" etc.

    I can see their point, but is it that hard? Pick out a fan in three different sizes and say: "THESE are the fans that WE use, period! Now we gave you a pretty good idea, how the case performs with all fan mounts in use, and especially the DIFFERENCE in performance from the stock number of fans. If YOU feel other fans are better, go ahead and use them."

    In this case, it COULD make a huge difference, as Dustin also points out. And what´s the review worth then?:

    "Here is a case. It has a lot of empty/blinded fan mounts, that, if used, probably will have a huge impact on heat and noise. We won´t use them, though. So you´l have to buy the case and perform your own review, to get the picture of this enclosures actual performance..."

    With that said, I´d never abandon neither AT nor Dustin´s reviews over this, though, it´s still one of the very best places to search for knowledge on new products.

    And the guys over at SPCR has dedicated themselves to very thorough case reviews with a heavy emphasis on heat/noise and different fans and fan placement. If a case shows potential to be both quiet and effective, there will surely be a review of it there in near future.

    SO, thanks for all the reviews in 2012, Dustin, look forward to more great stuff in 2013.

    Happy New Year!
  • TokamakH3 - Tuesday, January 1, 2013 - link

    A $159 case should come with all the fans necessary to achieve optimal performance, period. If I'm going bargain basement, it makes sense to have to play around with fans. At this price point, it's inexcusable.
  • Talion83 - Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - link

    I agree. Yes everyone could argue that Dustin could spend more time putting different fans in and adjusting their position etc...but, and especially at the price point, that should be Fractual's job - not his.

    He is reviewing the quality of the enclosure that was sent to him, as it was sent to him, by the company. There are other websites that specialize in customizing your rig, this isn't one of them.
  • Tech-Curious - Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - link

    Yup. At least Dustin notes, quite clearly, that there are extra fan mounts and that filling them would (almost certainly) fix the cooling problem. If I were in the market for an HTPC case that accepts ATX boards, I might be willing to pony up the ~$200 it would likely cost to buy the case and extra/better fans.

    But it's well worth emphasizing that the case is not a good value at the $160 price point -- scarcely adequate in its stock configuration, in fact. Exhaustive testing of aftermarket cooling configurations might distract from that crucial message in the review.
  • Aikouka - Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - link

    So, you want Anandtech to stop testing a product as it comes and start modifying it prior, which throws off the results for any person wishing to actually purchase and use it out of the box? While this case might warrant further research into Fractal's poor placement, I do NOT think that modifying the case setup from stock is a good idea at all.
  • Hemi345 - Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - link

    I think what Randinspace meant was, maybe Dustin could try moving the fans it ships with around to the different locations. The Silverstone case that houses my HTPC only came with 2 fans for the 4 positions available. I moved one of them to intake next to the CPU for no extra cost and about 8C improvement on temps. I think anyone that buys or builds in a case like this would be willing to move/experiment with the included components.

    But like has been mentioned by others... on a case this expensive, it should have included all the fans anyway.
  • omgtony - Thursday, July 11, 2013 - link

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