Everyone old enough remembers Commodore 64. For many, it was their first computer. It was among the first computers aimed for home use and its unique form factor was unforgettable. Simply put, Commodore 64 had everything inside a keyboard-like chassis. The original Commodore 64 was made by Commodore International, which defuncted in 1994. Last year, a company called Commodore USA bought branding rights for Commodore brand. 

Commodore USA launched C64x Ultimate in 2010, which was a direct copy of the classical Commodore 64 with new internals. It featured a dual core Atom CPU and NVIDIA Ion 2 graphics, so not exactly top-notch hardware, considering that it was priced at $999. The company has now announced C64x Extreme with Core i7-2720QM. The complete specs are below. 

Commodore C64x Extreme Specifications
Processor Intel Core i7-2720QM (4/8, 2.2GHz, 6MB)
Chipset Intel HM67
Graphics Intel HD 3000
Memory 8GB DDR3
Storage 2TB 7200rpm hard drive
Ports 2x USB 3.0, 4x USB 2.0, LAN, HDMI, DVI, VGA, PS/2, audio-in, audio-out, mic
OS Mint 11
Price $1499

Due to the price, C64x will most likely attract mainly Commodore enthusiasts. There isn't even a discrete GPU or Windows included. C64x comes with pre-installed Mint 11, which is a Linux distribution. There is a Linux based Commodore Vision OS coming from Commodore USA later on, though, for ultimate retro experience. 

C64x uses regular mini-ITX motherboards and Commodore USA also sells a barebone model without any innards priced at $349. Not cheap, but it might be a good alternative in case you are not pleased with the configurations provided by Commodore USA. However, the form factor limits your components a lot so fitting a desktop CPU and GPU without modding is likely impossible.


C64x Extreme will start shipping on December 15th and can be ordered from Commdore USA's website.  

Source: Commodore USA

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  • silverblue - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    I'm loving the retro feel; I wonder if another classic computer will get such treatment?
  • JediJeb - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    Would be nice if someone would do the same for the Atari series. 800 or 800XL would be nice, I wonder if I can retrofit the 800XL stashed away in my closet. Though I would probably opt for one of the AMD Fusion processors to further lower the cost.
  • silverblue - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    That's the ticket. The Dragon 32/64 are also ripe for it... maybe even the BBC Micro?

    I just thought how good my Saturn case would be for an HTPC, or at least as the inspiration for one.
  • Lord 666 - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    I would want mine in an Apple IIC chassis.
  • Paul Tarnowski - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    Heh, that just gave me the idea for putting some modern innards in my old A1200 case. But Llano instead of one of the Es. I want some gaming ability. Or wait until Ivy Bridge comes out and see how the graphics does on it.

    And to think I had last thought about putting the innards of the A1200 case into a tower (I didn't only because I just got a PC).
  • SlyNine - Tuesday, November 8, 2011 - link

    Or my packard bell computer. jk..
  • Googer - Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - link

  • Freddo - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    I really want one of these as a HTPC, but they are a bit too pricy for that unfortunately.
  • frakkel - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    Come on! It is not even silence!

    I remember the c64 so clearly and i remember it as silence.

    Now more than 20 years after and we have added noise. Is that called progression?
  • Freddo - Monday, November 7, 2011 - link

    Yeah, if I ever got this as a HTPC, I would get the barebone model and use an energy efficient fanless CPU like the Intel Atom.

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