Today has been a busy day for wireless carriers in the USA, with both AT&T and Sprint making 4G LTE related announcements. AT&T today enabled LTE service in 11 more markets, bringing its total number of LTE-enabled markets at present to 26. New markets that AT&T LTE just lit up in are: 

New York City metro area, Austin, Chapel Hill, Los Angeles, Oakland, Orlando, Phoenix, Raleigh, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose.

Anand fired up an HTC Vivid on AT&T LTE in the Raleigh market and saw 17 Mbps down on the largely unloaded network.


Meanwhile, Sprint announced its first four LTE markets which will light up in the first half of 2012: Atlanta, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Sprint also plans to launch up to 15 LTE-enabled devices in 2012, including handsets, tablets, and data cards. At the same time, Sprint will continue selling WiMAX enabled devices through 2012 and will keep its WiMAX network operational through at least 2015. 


Source: AT&T, Sprint


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  • ddarko - Thursday, January 5, 2012 - link

    AT&T told PC Magazine that it is using 5x5 bonded spectrum in Anand's area of Raleigh, NC:,2817,2398416,

    "Update: AT&T is currently using 10x10 spectrum in all 4G LTE markets except Athens, Ga., Chapel Hill, N.C., Charlotte, Chicago, Los Angeles, Oklahoma City, Raleigh, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, where they're using 5x5, according to an AT&T spokesman."
  • ravisurdhar - Friday, January 6, 2012 - link

    This is legit 4G LTE? Not just "enhanced backhaul"? Should I see any difference on my iPhone 4 (non -S)? Just ran speedtest in San Fran and got 3.14 Mbps/0.94 Mbps.
  • zvadim - Friday, January 6, 2012 - link

    Iphone4 doesn't do LTE
  • Souka - Sunday, January 8, 2012 - link

    and neither does the 4s

    Funny....I know of at least two people who upgraded their "old" iPhone 4 with a 4s because they think it's an LTE device.

  • DanNeely - Friday, January 6, 2012 - link

    Your iPhone doesn't have LTE; so unless your 3g is congested and enough people with ATT LTE devices are in your area that their switching makes a significant decrease in 3g traffic you'll see no benefit.

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