03:32PM EST - It looks like this is it, we've got a busy CES schedule ahead of us still though, stay tuned!

03:31PM EST - I think we're on the last question

03:24PM EST - Everyone wants to know about 64 bit and the upcoming high end SoCs, but that news isn't happening here, that's clear

03:22PM EST - "The speed at which the industry is moving is increasing"


03:16PM EST - Not that I expected it, but I don't think we're going to see any surprise 64-bit CPU news beyond what was already announced with the Snapdragon 410

03:13PM EST - Admits that 64-bit timing from Apple was timed slightly differently than they expected, and that 64-bit will be driven across tiers

03:12PM EST - "We've had a lot of questions – when will we have 64 bit, when will others have it"

03:12PM EST - "64 bit is one of many features that validates this theme that the phone and computing meld together"

03:09PM EST - Mollenkopf just got asked what his title is and how to spell his name, Q&A isn't usually very useful honestly

03:08PM EST - Jarred's laptop BSOD was pretty unexpected there

03:07PM EST - Talking about how OEMs are using some of their phone designs in tablets, like the Nexus 7 and Lumia 2520

03:06PM EST - I was expecting there to be a bit more about the SoCs themselves or even Snapdragon 802 which was announced earlier today

03:05PM EST - I guess that's it, and we're moving to Q&A, that was fast

03:05PM EST - "Featurephone churn and velocity is still high as well though"

03:04PM EST - Big push in 2014 will be getting LTE deployed and viable in China

03:04PM EST - Moving things from the smartphone space into the car, and into things like wearables, announcements like the 602 and more which will come out in the next 24 hours

03:03PM EST - Embracing trends like 64 bit across tiers

03:03PM EST - In the December timeframe talked about Snapdragon 410, mainstream 64-bit SoC with worldwide LTE

03:02PM EST - Started in November talking about Snapdragon 805 "next generation mobile processor built for the mobile industry in particular, not scaled down or cut down from a PC type of product, purpose built for mobile"

03:02PM EST - Getting to announcements now

03:01PM EST - "Technologies once developed only for the phone are now useful everywhere else as well"

03:01PM EST - Talking about wearables now – displaying information to the user in a more convenient and natural way, the natural trend

03:01PM EST - Jarred's laptop just BSODed randomly, so it's just me (Brian) on text for a while now

03:00PM EST - People want to do things on their smartphones that they never could do on their PCs before

02:59PM EST - LTE will move from being something on just the flagships to also the other segments, moving into the car and other places that used to be limited to just WiFi

02:59PM EST - Second thing in 2014 is a even more LTE, goes from being premium to being mainstream

02:58PM EST - Mollenkopf is talking about how the entire industry is leveraging some of the mobile explosion, across automotive and consumer electronics

02:57PM EST - I guess this is going to be part announcement part Q&A

02:56PM EST - Looks like we're getting started, Steve Mollenkopf is out

02:53PM EST - I'm on pictures and some text, Jarred is on text as well, we'll both be chiming in

02:52PM EST - Ok we're seated and ready to go, it's a very packed room here at Qualcomm

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  • gunsman - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    qualcomm and asus events at the same time? unfair!
  • madwolfa - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Running em in two windows now :D Verge and Anandtech.
  • dylan522p - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    I really hope they announce something big like a Arm v8 core that is completely different from the Arm v7 Krait core. I'm tired of each update on the CPU side from them being just a bit of tweaking and higher clocks.
  • DeerSteak - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Well, when you have the huge percentage of the smartphone market (due to their LTE implementation, I'm sure) then you can get away with being "lazy" like this. Iteration like that helps keep costs down, too. Still, they're going to have to do something serious if they're going to stave off Intel. Bay Trail is looking sweeter and sweeter all the time.
  • dylan522p - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Most definitely, hell, they could just re-release S800 for H1 2014 and still get all the wins but with Intel's LTE radio nearing completion, Qualcomm better gear up for some design losses in H2 or they better release something huge,.
  • DeerSteak - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Hey is it going to be part announcement part Q&A?
  • Brian Klug - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Refresh and it should go away, I'm not sure why some posts repeat sometimes, but not others. It was only posted once.

  • DeerSteak - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    It's OK, it just struck me as really funny. :)
  • Krysto - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Holy crap. At least Nvidia had the decency to -announce- a 64-bit CPU for the high-end for late 2014. Qualcomm didn't even do that!

    Do you know what that means? As I expected, Qualcomm didn't prepare to even release a 64-bit in 2014. They must've expected Apple to release it in late 2014, and then they could just release the spring after that, because hey, the public is used to Apple doing things first, and waiting a few months to push it to others right?

    But Apple totally caught them with their pants down, and was offering a 64-bit chip basically a -year and a half- before Qualcomm intended to make one. Unbelievable how ARROGANT Qaulcomm was about this, thinking they can squeeze a full 3 years out of Krait, when everyone else, even ARM itself, is on 2-year next-gen schedule.

    Market dominance has certainly gotten to Qualcomm's head. Time to bring them down a notch, so they can learn some humility, and next time be more prepared against the competition. I hope they lose a lot of contracts this year and significant market share, because they definitely deserve it.
  • chizow - Monday, January 6, 2014 - link

    Yep, pretty clear Qualcomm got caught with their pants down on both the 64-bit CPU front (Apple, Nvidia) and the GPU front (Nvidia), but in the Android space their only saving grace is they are still the only option for 3rd party integrated LTE.

    May be enough to buy them the year to get their 64-bit and GPU performance in order, or the Qualcomm bubble may burst in a year.

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